Lost In Translation...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

On to to Thailand...

As Rach and I left Seoul this morning, it started to snow. Lots. It was a bit of shock considering we both sacrificied our coats the night before to send to respective people to hang on to since we were heading to a warmer climate (thanks Lisa)... given the snow, we decided we were probably leaving Korea at a good time. On a sidenote, I'd like to point out that the Korean construction design of heated floors blows Japanese kotatsus out of the water. Even though our motel in Seoul wasn't amazing, the floors alone made me super happy.

Right... so on to Thailand. We had an uneventful 5 hour or so flight into Bangkok, exchanged some currency, and hopped on a plane for a 1.5 hour flight to Phuket. We managed to find the airport "bus" (more like a run down van) to the Phuket bus station in town and walked in the dark to our hostel. Phuket seems a bit sketchy at night, not gonna lie. Rachel found some new "friends" on our journey... she discovered that she might be a bit pretentious. haha. I'm hopeful it will look better in the morning. We found a hole in the wall restaurant run by a French guy for dinner- the crepes were pretty yummy.

Oh, and I thought Korea was cheap. Hahahaha... oh man. Two large bottles of water in Thailand ran us less than a dollar.

We're planning on a trip to the beach tomorrow and then most likely a day kayaking trip the following day.

That's all for now. I'm a bit tired since Japan/Korea are two hours ahead of here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this entry last. Stop talking about how cheap things are. I'm buying tickets and stuff for my European trip and everything costs eleventy billion dollars. You don't need to rub in my face that your vacation is all cheap. I hope that Australia runs you a majillion dollars!

3:56 PM  

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