Lost In Translation...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sydney is quite lovely...

I'd visited Australia twice before, but it doesn't count when you're younger than speaking age, and guess what - you don't know to appreciate anything when you're nine. So anyway, after a rather long flight (about nine hours that sucked up all of yesterday), we made it to Sydney at around 10pm.

This morning we tried to get started early, so we took the train into the city. The weather forecast called for morning showers but really, it couldn't have been a prettier day. We got lunch in the business district (yay for yummy sandwiches), wandered around downtown, and took pictures of the Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. After that we walked around the Royal Botanical Gardens and enjoyed some smoothies.

Seriously, I don't know that I can think imagine a prettier city. Yes, I know that statement comes after a few days spent in Bangkok, a place that many tour books politely refer to as "gritty," but nonetheless, it was a very nice day. :)


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